Seeking a business coach in Belfast? Here’s what to consider

Recently I was asked the question “How do you choose the right business coach?”. The short answer is that the right coach for you is likely different from the next person. We each have unique challenges and face unique opportunities in our business and personal journeys.

To be as objective as possible, I thought it better to leave my opinion at the door and to offer you considerations you might want to make when choosing the right business coach.

But before we look further into that, we should probably define what a business coach is and how they can help you.

A business coach works with founders, owners, management and senior team members to listen, understand and support decision-making in all areas of business and executive development. Some business coaches define their service as maximising success, but I suggest that great business coaches can also help minimise failures.

To get the best return on investment from business coaching it is important to begin with an initial goal or vision. However, defining this is something many business coaches can assist with. At Move at Pace, we have a unique process for doing so in our Future Vision sessions. For those who need support defining their vision, this becomes one of our first business coaching sessions.

What to look for in a business coach?


One of the most critical elements a business coach should have is experience. Not all business coaches need to have been entrepreneurs outside of their coaching business, but I’d argue those business coaches with direct experience of the challenges and opportunities you face, have a better understanding and can provide better support.


No one has all the answers, not even me. The truth is though that we must each focus on building our knowledge of those areas we need support in. Some business coaches will have more knowledge of operational issues than others. Some may be focused on strategic growth plans or exit planning. Every coach is unique and their knowledge varies widely. It’s up to you to decide where you need support and to find the business coach that is closely aligned with your needs.

Meeting structure

Some people prefer in-person meetings, while others prefer online sessions. I have one client who wants to use our sessions to get their steps in….and I love this. Choosing the right business coach often comes down to the coach who matches your preferred working method. The more friction, the harder it is to work with a coach, so ensure your process matches theirs.

Do you like them?

You don’t have to go on holiday with your coach, but to get an effective relationship,you must like and trust them.

Can you have a good conversation with them? Do you enjoy the patter and tone of the chat? Do you trust them with private business and personal information?

They may have great experience, but if you can’t have an open, honest and engaging conversation with your business coach, they’re not the correct fit for you.

Tip to pick the right business coach

The main tip I’d offer is for you to chat with several different business coaches. Very quickly you’ll be able to understand each of the individual coach’s services and skills. Then you can decide who might be best suited to you and your business and the best fit for you.

Finding the right business coach in Belfast is much like doing it elsewhere in the UK & Ireland. Typically you’ll be able to find them through a variety of channels including:

  • Google Search
  • LinkedIn 
  • YouTube
  • Referrals

There’s no right or wrong way to find a business coach, but going back to our previous point, meet with a few to initially understand how they might be able to best assist you.

Within Move at Pace we only work with clients we can fully support on their journey. If our services or coaching materials won’t benefit you at this time, we’ll be the first to tell you so. But when you’re ready, we will be also.

The final tip I’d offer in selecting the right business coach is to consider what you’d like to achieve. While coaching is performance-based, a good business coach should be mindful to consider your personal and professional goals. With a collective and considered focus on these, questions and decisions can be addressed with your ambitions in mind.

Who is our ideal client?

When it comes to defining your ideal client? “Everyone” is not necessarily the right answer. We know in minutes if we can help you and it might surprise you how we identify this.

Firstly we consider your business. Our skills and experience are best lent to service-based businesses. If you sell time or service, we are confident we can help. Whether your business ambition is to create a strategy for profitable growth or to plan for your business exit, these are areas we can confidently support.

Secondly, we consider you. Our ideal client is a particular type of person. They’re ambitious entrepreneurs, often founders who have built their businesses to success. But this success has come at a cost. It might be stress, unhappiness or lack of clarity in their future. This person has built a business they should be proud of, but the imposter inside them wants support to take it to the next level.

If this sounds like you or your business, please book a free discovery call to find out if I am the right business coach for you.

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