How To Start a Graphic Design Business from Scratch in 2025


 I will show you the exact steps you need to take to start and grow your graphic design business. No fluff, no theory – just practical steps that work in the real world. Because here’s the truth: starting a graphic design business isn’t just about being good at design. It’s about understanding how to build […]

The professional way to ask for referrals

the power of referrals

In business, we do good work and we expect to be paid promptly for this effort. That’s pretty standard. But what if I said I also expected my current clients to refer me to someone else? Now on the face of this, that might sound a little cheeky. It’s anything but. Because I am confident […]

How to take time off

How to take time off as an agency owner

I had zero inbound leads in July. In fact, I’d also zero leads from outbound activities as well. Apart from servicing my existing clients, little happened in July. There are many reasons why this happened. Some might put this down to the “summer slump”, others say my business is too new to get inbound activity. […]

3 boring but effective ways to grow your agency


Here’s the secret successful entrepreneurs keep to themselves. Being disciplined to show up when you need to, will put you ahead of 99% of your competitors.

It’s no secret that systems and process, while anything but sexy, build your business.

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